Massachusetts Vital Records: Watertown

"Massachusetts: Vital Records, 1620–1850," database with images (, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2001–2016).


Dauid (sic) Brouce of molbury & mary Begelow (sic) of water town wear Joyned in marriage before mr samll: Angier minister of water town: January: 26: 1699

Mary daughter of Samuell and Mary borne the 12th of September 1677


Richard & Mehettible dimick maryd the 17 : 2d 1662

deacon Eaphim dyed 13 (12) mo 1662

Richard son of Richard & Mehettable Borne 30 of march 1663

Eaphrim son of Richard & Mehitable borne ye 9 8mo 1664

Eaphrim son of Richard & Mehitabell dyd : 2 : 12mo 1664

Ebeneazur (sic) and Hanna (sic) the Children of Richard and Mehit tabell borne the 10 of november 1674

Shuball Child son of Richard and Mehettabell Borne: 19 —10 mo 1665

Exfperience (sic) daughter of Richard & Mehitable borne 26 12mo 1669

Abigall (sic) daughter of Richard and Mehitiball borne the 16 of June 1672

Ebenezer Son of Richard and mehittebell deceaffed the third of February 1674

Ebeneazur (sic) and Hanna (sic) the Children of Richard and Mehit tabell borne the 10 of november 1674

Mehitabell the wife of Richard deceafed the 18 of auguft 1676

John the hufband of Mary deceaffed the 15 day of October 1676

Nathanell Fisk and mary Joyned in mariag the 13 of aprill 1677

Richard and Hanah Traine married the Sixteene of January 1678

Elizabeth daughter of Richard & Hannah borne the 4th of July 1681

Joshua Child son of Richard and Hannah borne the 27 of July 1682

John fon of Richard & Hannah borne 16 of May 1687

Upon ye 26th of September 1689 I maryed in my houfe at Watertown Benjamin Flagg & Experience Child wth ye confent of Freinds ye being publilhed according to law

Ye 27 of Aprill 1690 I admitted … Mehetabell Child

Edward Garffeeld (sic) and Mehetable Child wer maried the: 8 Day of July. 1691

Richard Died the : 4th: of November 1691

Abigaell (sic) Child wife of Shubell Child Deced Odtober: 8th: 1693.

Richard Child Deceased Nov: 11th: 1694

Joseph Priest: & Margret Child: both of water town: were Joyned in Marriage by mr Samuel Angier: minister in water town: December: 25: 1701

Sarah Childs Daughter of Joshua and Sarah Childs born the 2d day of Feb. 1721/2

Joshua Son of Joshua Sarah Child born September 16th 1723

{Josiah / Mary} twins, Son & Daughter of Joshua & Sarah Child born December 20th, 1728

Thomas Son of Joshua Sarah Child born the 16th day of September 1726

Hannah Daughter of Joshua Sarah Child born the 10th day of October 1727

Abraham Child of Joshua Sarah Child born April ye 26th 1732

Richard Child admitted to church 4:120


Beniamin (sic) son of Thomas & Mary Born ye 25 : 4th 1662


Edward son of Joseph & Sary Borne 22 4th 1664


Sam", winfh. (sic) & of franingham. & Sarah Barnard of water town, wear Joyned in Marriage before mr samuel Angier min ister of watertown, Jan; 11: 17; 1698/9